Before & After: Editing Photographs

I must be honest: there is a lot of work that goes into a single photograph. This is one of the parts that makes the photographer show their own personal style. This is what makes a person or a photo different than the rest. Yes, you can do so many different things before you even put it to your computer, like angles, lighting, etc. However, there are things to do after the photos have been sorted through also known as ‘post production’ or ‘culling.’


I am here to show you a few before and after photos of a recent session I did with my Nana & her children in their family session. You will get to see how I go from just an ordinary photo, to making it perfect. I use Lightroom for most of my editing and occasionally will also use Photoshop; I may even use presets to make sure all the photos have the same type of editing to them. Enjoy!


The first one I chose to show you is because it really had minimal editing. All I did was lighten up the photo. See how that makes a difference? It wasn’t achieved in the camera, so I needed to edit that in post-production.



And lastly, this is one where I had to do some more post production editing. As you can see in the before shot, my Nana didn’t smile even after the numerous attempts of trying to get her to do so. I had to do what we call in the photography world a ‘face swap’ where I take her smiling face from one photo and put it in the one that would make it to the final photo gallery. This editing seemed necessary, otherwise the remaining photos would just have my Nana in them with no type of smile, which isn’t her at all.

So, that is the four images that I wanted to show off from this session with before and after’s just, so you could get a taste of what I do when I edit. I tend to lean towards more minimalistic editing unless it is necessary – like the last photo just because my Nana’s smile is everything.


If you ever want to know more about my editing you can comment below to ask!

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