Carry Around Your Sessions Photos, Digitally

We already carry around our photographs on our phone all day every day, So, why shouldn’t we do the same thing with photographs from your sessions?

Yes, we have social media such as Facebook or Instagram, but all they do is end up distorting the photographs (pixelating them and making them grainier) and can also use your data.


What if I shared with you a way to not have your photographs distorted as well as not using data, AND be able to carry them around in your pocket? Are you interested?

Endia Moniquie Photography offers this service for you. I can offer a personalized app just for you to have in your hand. It works on both the iPhone and Android, I have an iPhone pictured below because that is what I own.



Each app is specifically catered to your session and includes your top 20 photos from your session. These apps are downloaded through an email link I send once they are completed and you can add them to your home screen. The GREAT news, they don’t use data at all!


You can add as many apps as you would like to your home screen. If you have multiple sessions, you will receive multiple apps. If you have more than 20 photos you absolutely love, you can get a second one.


Are you wanting one? Great! This year only (2019) I am offering them for FREE with your paid session. With each session you buy, you get a FREE personalized app. They are originally $80 each. However, for this year only I am offering them for FREE with your paid session.


You must have your session this year, and it must be towards the session you buy this year. No previous sessions will count, and you MUST tell me about this deal to receive it.


Make sure to mention this post or this deal to get the great discount on this item you will be glad you purchased.

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